Monday 1 February 2016

A pretty 25 years old African girl Farming

As pretty and shapely as this young woman is, she has decided to take to farming to better her life.

 Nakku Justine

She did not took to Instagram, Facebook, etc to twerk her big hips for fame and money , she did not hang on to the biggest club, hotels and beach side to look for men with money , and tag herself a ' SOCIALITE ' rather she invested her time and forgot her ' ukwu' to farm .

Today, 25years Nakku Justine own a multimillion 6 acres of land , cultivating carrots, cabbage,cereal,and a Poultry including a barn.

You will see how men will be falling over themselves to marry her because she has money through hard labor not through the softness of her thigh and not through selling her body.

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